
I would like to buy green bell peppers, but all that I see are red, yellow, orange, purple…any color but green.  Where are the green peppers?

Simply put, green peppers are unripe bell peppers.  All bell peppers will ripen green to their final color, depending on variety.  We offer various varieties in a range colors.  Green peppers are less sweet than when left on the plant to ripen fully to final color.  For the purpose of harvest, green peppers are less perishable.  As the fruit matures it becomes increasingly perishable and softer.  There is a larger window for harvest of green peppers than there is for ripened bell peppers of final color.   

My zucchini plants are growing beautifully, but not producing any fruit.  What am I doing wrong?

In most cases when this happens in the home garden it is due to poor or no pollination of the plant.  Zuchini plants have male and female flowers, and if pollination is not taking place, it is likely the result of a low bee population in the area.  Pollination can be performed manually by using a dry paint brush or equivalent to transfer pollen from the male flowers to the female.  The male flowers are the yellow flowers on the stem of the plants, the females are the flowers on the non-stem end of each emerging fruit. 

How do I produce seedless watermelons from the transplants I buy? 

Seedless watermelons set all female flowers.  Cross pollination must take place between the male flowers of a standard seeded watermelon plant and the female flowers of a seedless watermelon plant.  Make sure that when planting seedless watermelon transplants that you also pick up a seeded watermelon transplant for pollination.  If planting multiple plants, good pollination can be achieved by planting one pollinator to every 3 seedless transplants.

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