Best Plants For Butterflies
Butterfly gardening requires that you plan your garden to attract butterflies and keep them coming back. Some plants are better than others for attracting butterflies based upon their color, shape, the nectar they produce, etc. At Miller Plant Farm, the following are the flowers that we recommend to give you many hours of enjoyable butterfly watching.
- Ajuga/Bugleweed
- Asclepias/Milkweed
- Asters
- Bacopa
- Butterfly Bush
- Coreopsis/Tickseed
- Cosmos
- Echinacea/Coneflower
- Gaura
- Hibiscus
- Hydrangea
- Lantana
- Lavender
- Lupine
- Pentas
- Phlox
- Rudbekia/Black Eyed Susan
- Verbena
- Veronica/Speedwell
- Zinnia